It’s Save the Rhino Day?
Frequent Flyer Day?
Mother Goose Day?
National Chocolate Parfait Day?
School Principal’s Day?
Ok, ok. All of those are correct but...most importantly in our world…
Today is the day by which all graduating seniors will notify the colleges to which they’ve been admitted their intention to enroll or not. So, a pretty important day for the Class of 2018!
Our team at Estrela loves this date because it’s the culmination of all of the hard work our students have put in throughout high school and, even more so, the past year. We are not only proud of our students but also of outcomes of their process. Each year we have the opportunity to help our students find colleges and universities that are the best fit for them academically, socially and financially.
The diversity of the list of places where our students apply and are ultimately admitted is a perfect illustration of the intention of our highly personalized process.
In addition, our students received significant merit scholarships making final decisions even more difficult! That’s not all. Of the institutions that admitted our students, 24 are new to our “Colleges Where Our Students Have Been Accepted” list! This demonstrates a fact of which we are extremely proud: we believe strongly in finding the right fit. We don’t have a “go to” list of colleges to which all of our students apply. Cookie cutter is just not our style.