Estrela Consulting Blog

College Board Discontinues SAT Subject Tests and SAT Essay

Written by Estrela Consulting | Jan 20, 2021 3:38:26 AM

The College Board announced this week that it will be discontinuing SAT Subject Tests and the SAT Essay section testing beginning in July. Here is an excerpt from their official announcement:

The pandemic accelerated a process already underway at the College Board to reduce and simplify demands on students. As part of this process, we’re making substantial investments in the SAT Suite and in tools to help colleges connect with students. 

The announcement goes on to stress that, in addition to the discontinuation of Subject Tests and the SAT Essay, there will be some changes made to the offering of standard SAT testing in the coming months to support students in need of testing opportunities:

There’s still a clear demand from students to take the SAT as a way to show their strengths to colleges. Most immediately, we’re working to provide as many opportunities as possible for students in the class of 2022 to take the SAT this year, including by:

  • Allocating seats that would have gone to students taking Subject Tests to students who want to take the SAT.

  • Being prepared to expand capacity for existing administrations and add administrations in the fall if the pandemic continues to impact testing this spring.

We're certain this won't be the last big change we see in the testing landscape as a result of the current pandemic. Stay tuned! ⭐