Estrela Consulting Blog

Estrela Founder Quoted in The New York Times

Greg Dooley May 24, 2017

We're excited to have Estrela's own Kristina Dooley quoted in an article from The New York Times today (and on the FRONT PAGE of the print edition!) on the the importance of student inclusion in the college affordability discussion.

We believe that with the rising costs of college, and dropping 4-year graduation rates, the discussion about the financial reality of the college decision should include all those with a stake in the game. As the key stakeholders, students need to have an understanding of how these costs will impact their family as a whole, and what the continuing financial obligations will be for them once they've graduated. Students can no longer be sheltered from discussions related to affordability.

Here's a link to the full article on The New York Times' website: When Colleges Dangle Money to Lure Students Who Ignored Them

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