Estrela Consulting Blog

Estrela Consulting Blog

Parenting Through College Rejection: A Parent Perspective

As a parent, there are few things worse than knowing your child has been rejected in some way. Whether the rejection comes from a person, a sports team, an audition, or a college, it cuts deep. In fact, we’re biologically programmed to protect our kids. Though, when it comes to college denials, your protection will look a little different.
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Resilience from Rejection: A Student Perspective

Maybe you’ve experienced rejection before. Like, a so-called friend playing with someone else on the playground? Or being turned down by the person whom you asked to the dance? Or maybe not enough people liking or sharing your social media post? No matter what form it comes in, rejection stings.
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Why College Decisions Don't Determine Your Worth

The story below has shown up in my inbox and news feed several times over the past few months. As we head into the decision season for college admissions, I think the message is one for all teens (and their parents) to hear.
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