Estrela Consulting Blog

Estrela Consulting Blog

The Ultimate List of Hidden College Scholarships

*UPDATED June 2024! Are you looking for additional money for college? While many colleges offer automatic consideration for scholarships based on your application for admission, many also have scholarships with additional application requirements and/or deadlines that vary from the published application plans. As if the college search and application process isn't complicated enough, the ease of ...
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What’s In A Name? (Or, Does it Matter WHERE You Go to College?)

Each year Harvard Law School publishes a list of the undergraduate institutions attended by their incoming class of aspiring lawyers. Since stumbling upon this gem a few years ago it has become a staple in our toolbox of resources that we share with students and families. Why, you might ask? It’s simple…
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Understanding Selective College Admissions: The Secret Sauce - Tips and Strategies

Note: This is a companion piece to our recent Estrela Webinar Series: "Understanding Highly Selective Admissions". You can find the recordings of Part 1 and Part 2 of these webinars using the links embedded here. Enjoy!
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Understanding Selective College Admissions: Institutional Priorities

Note: This is a companion piece to our recent Estrela Webinar Series: "Understanding Highly Selective Admissions". You can find the recordings of Part 1 and Part 2 of these webinars using the links embedded here. Enjoy!
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Understanding Selective College Admissions: Data Insights and Reality

Note: This is a companion piece to our recent Estrela Webinar Series: "Understanding Highly Selective Admissions". You can find the recordings of Part 1 and Part 2 of these webinars using the links embedded here. Enjoy!
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