Estrela Consulting Blog

Estrela Consulting Blog

Kristina Dooley

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What’s In A Name? (Or, Does it Matter WHERE You Go to College?)

Each year Harvard Law School publishes a list of the undergraduate institutions attended by their incoming class of aspiring lawyers. Since stumbling upon this gem a few years ago it has become a staple in our toolbox of resources that we share with students and families. Why, you might ask? It’s simple…
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What I Did On My Summer Vacation...and Why It Matters to Colleges

Summer is coming! Summer is coming! Every year we hear from parents seeking our input on what their children should do during summer vacation to "make their applications look better" or to make them a "stronger applicant." While it's true that the summer months are a great time to do SOMETHING, the question is whether what that something is really matters on your college applications.
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Campus Safety 101: What to Know & Ask When Evaluating College Options

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7 Topics to Talk About With Teens This Holiday Season (That Don’t Include the “C” Word)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year...for most of us. For high school seniors anxiously awaiting admission decisions there’s one topic they hope you’ll avoid at the dinner table: College.
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8 To Dos After You Submit Your College Apps

Hooray! You did it! Take a moment to celebrate this significant milestone on your college journey. You should be incredibly proud of the work you've put in up to this point and we hope you feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
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