Major Focus: Zoology and Marine Biology

One of my favorite pastimes has always been a trip to the zoo. I find the animal world to be innately fascinating and now that I am a parent, it is equally rewarding to watch my young children experience this joy. Hands coated in sticky Dippin’ Dots and noses pressed against the exhibit glass, they gaze with wonder and delight at the mesmerizing creatures while mimicking their howls and roars.
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Considering College Tuition Insurance? Read This First.

Since the start of the COVID pandemic, we've received more questions than ever before about the benefit of purchasing tuition insurance. Estrela Founder Kristina Dooley was recently quoted in the New York Times on this topic (see article linked below).
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Rankings-Schmankings: Why a College is More Than Just Its Numbers

US News. The Wall Street Journal. Princeton Review. Each tells their own story of who is #1 for business, where you can find the healthiest campus food, and what student body has the best student section for college athletics. What if a school exists on one list, but not the other - is it still a great school? Is choosing a college really as simple as applying to the top programs featured in that ...
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Just Announced: ACT Streamlines Testing Accommodation Accessibility

The ACT announced today that it will be streamlining accessibility for students seeking accommodations for testing. See below for content of the full press release from ACT:
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You're Going to Major in WHAT?!?

Kristina Dooley July 11, 2021
For more than 20 years I have witnessed a shift in the contents of the "anxiety buckets" my students bring to the table when they begin their college search processes. Topping the list today: which major to choose...before they even complete a single college application.The question about what a student might major in usually follows the often-dreaded "Where are you applying?" Both of these ...
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