Estrela Consulting Blog

Estrela Consulting Blog

How These Colleges are Changing Lives and Why They Should Be On Your List

We all know that the few short years in college are supposed to be some of the most impactful years of our lives, so it would make the most sense to enroll in only the “best” college that you can. After all, isn’t that why we scramble to determine the nation’s top colleges, review multiple sets of rankings to figure out which school is best, reach out to admissions offices to demonstrate our ...
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Imposters Among Us in the College Application Process

Join your crewmates in a multiplayer game of teamwork and betrayal! I recently received a request from my kids to download the game “Among Us” on their iPads. As we do with all of these requests, I checked out what this game was all about before giving the go-ahead. Reading the succinct description above, and being in the thick of college admission season with my students, I immediately thought ...
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Jasmine's Take: A Look at College During COVID-19

This year, new college students face a daunting challenge: starting a new chapter of their lives during an ongoing pandemic and their college plans very different than they'd envisioned. While some colleges are holding entirely in-person classes, others have opted for a fully-remote or hybrid model in the interest of limiting exposure to COVID-19. Interested to hear what current college students ...
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Writing the Common App Activities List During a Global Pandemic

At first glance, the Activities List seems like a straightforward section of the Common Application; a simple place to list up to 10 extracurricular activities and describe your personal involvement and contributions. In reality, it is one of the unique opportunities for an admissions committee to gain an understanding of who you really are as a person and to see beyond your GPA and test scores. ...
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ED/EA/RD: Tips for Choosing the Right College Application Plan

ED, EA, RD…the alphabet soup that describes college application plans can be confusing. Let’s dive into what you need to know about each, and more importantly, how to determine which plans are the right ones for you.
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