Estrela Consulting Blog

Estrela Consulting Blog

8 To Dos After You Submit Your College Apps

Hooray! You did it! Take a moment to celebrate this significant milestone on your college journey. You should be incredibly proud of the work you've put in up to this point and we hope you feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
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To Apply or Not Apply for Need-Based Aid: Who Should Check the Box?

It’s no secret that during these uncertain economic times, colleges are having a more challenging time than ever maintaining balanced operating budgets. And while the question of whether or not families should apply for need-based financial aid comes up every year, the idea that there may be an “admissions edge” when not applying for financial aid seems to be more relevant than ever. So, who ...
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Does Legacy Status Matter in College Admission?

Oh, legacy admission, you sneaky little detail. How is it that you manage to make so many happy while others loathe the idea of you? The mere thought of your impact has alumni counting down the years, months and days until they can exclaim alongside their children “WE got in!”
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Spring Into Summer! Tips for Rising Sophomores and Juniors

For those of us living in the northern half of the U.S., the weather makes summer feel like a LONG way off. But, in reality, it’s already April and school will be out before we know it. Summer is a great time for outdoor BBQs, swimming with friends, and catching up on some ZZZ’s after a busy end of the year. It is also the perfect time to work on your college planning process!
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2022-2023 Common App Essay Prompts Announced

They're here! They're here! If you're like us you've been patiently waiting for the 2022-23 Common App Essay Prompts to be announced. Spoiler Alert: the folks at the Common App have actually decided to keep the same prompts that were used during the 2021-22 application cycle.
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